IR Cutoff Filter

Infrared (IR) cut-off filters are used with color CCD or CMOS imagers to produce true color images. An IR cut-off filter blocks the transmission of the infrared while passing the visible.The frequently used Specifications are as below:


Float glass, B270, BK7 or other

Dimension Tolerance



0.3, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.1mm or other

Surface Quality

60/40 or better

Clear Aperture


Coating 1

400nm-620nm Tavg>92%
400nm-620nm Tmin>85%
645±10 nm T=50%
700nm-1100nm Tavg<1.5%
700nm-1100nm Tmax<3%

Coating 2

400nm-620nm Tavg>94%
400nm-620nm Tmin>90%
650±10 nm T=50%
700nm-1100nm Tavg<1.5%
700nm-1100nm Tmax<3%

Coating 3

400nm-600nm Tavg>92%
400nm-600nm Tmin>85%
630±10 nm T=50%
650nm-750nm Tmax<1.5%
830±10 nm T=50%
865±10 nm T=50%
850±10 nm T>85%
900nm-1100nm Tavg<1.5%
900nm-1100nm Tmax<3%

Coating 4

400nm-620nm Tavg>90%
400nm-620nm Tmin>83%
650±10 nm T=50%
910±10 nm T=50%
960±10 nm T=50%
940±10 nm T>85%
1000nm-1100nm Tmax<3.5%

Other types are available upon request.


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